Sunday, February 18, 2007

Life sucks!

Well, my husband lost his job. After 30 years with the same company, they've gone out of business. The company had been in business for 5o years, but thanks to all the manufacturing jobs going overseas (his company's largest customer, Eaton Corporation, went to India) the company could no longer survive and they closed.

No more health insurance, no more paycheck, no more nothing. Sure sucks after giving your life to a company for 30 years. He never took sick days, always had perfect attendance and for what? He got the same crap that the guys who called in sick every week got. What was it all for? F**king nothing. Sucks, don't it?

What do I do now? An insulin-dependent, Type 1 on an insulin pump? I am so screwed. I recently had to put my beloved kitty, Grady, to sleep after 16 years when he was too sick, there seemed to be no more help and I couldn't afford any more additional tests that may or may not have provided a solution to his health problems. Maybe someone just needs to put me to sleep too. As Jane Fonda once said in the movie by the same name.... "They shoot horses, don't they?"


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